Preserving fruit for transportation

In Victoria we have fruits like apples, pears and blackberries, in Queensland we have fruits like mango, bananas and passionfruit. I have friends in the Riverland of South Australia who have lemons, oranges, peaches, apricots and nectarines. Foraging provides an abundance of produce.

I use a dehydrator to preserve as much cheap fruit as I can.

My amazon affiliate link to the dehydrator I use (it’s fantastic!) is

Depending on what I have I make fruit leather squares or dried fruits. These allow me to transport them easily and preserve what I have.  They are fantastic for car trips. Not that they last a long time!  

SPC Factory in Shepparton has a cheap supply of canned fruits. I particularly like their “Golden Circle” Pineapple Slices to dehydrate.


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