How to dissect a whole celery for maximum use

Part of living between two states is due to saving money on the little things. The really little things.

Not wasting food is one of them.

Take celery. How do you make full use?

As follows:

Chop the root base off the stalks and put to one side.
Cut each stalk just under the first knot in the stalk. This will leave you with straight stalks. Wash these stalks and leave to drain.
Next dissect the smaller straight stalks from the leaves and tiny stalks. Wash and rinse in clean water.

You should be left with:
  • The root base
  • The clean straight stalks
  • Smaller straight stalks
  • The leaves with a few very small stalks.
Plant the root base in a pot with the root ball down and the cut part just above the soil. Water regularly to see it grow.

The clean straight stalks can be used for salads, platters or eat with peanut butter.

The smaller straight stalks can be used for soups or casseroles. Just cut small along the stem.

The leaves can be used in juicing.

Make sure all parts are washed thoroughly before use.


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